Corporate Policies
We have a strong quality, integrity and social responsibility ethos, which is reflected in our published policies and standards.
We see following our policies and procedures as a consistent and systematic method of achieving our goals. Our policies guide us in how to go about our business, and they tell you, how we will work with you. We value working with organisations and people who have similar beliefs and attitudes toward quality, safety and business ethics.
Quality is one of our main values. We genuinely care about delivering work to the highest possible standards, with-in our ability at all times. If we don’t, we understand we won’t survive in business, but more than that we take pride in our work. If we take on a job, we believe it’s worth doing and worth doing to the best of our ability.
We manage our business using a Quality Management System (QMS). It’s accredited under ISO 9001:2015 (Certificate Number QEC27803) for the provision of advisory and training services to the aviation industry, and independently audited each year by the good folks at SAI Global. Our quality processes include:
- Complying with regulations, standards and codes of practice
- Continually improving the QMS in line with AS/NZS ISO 9001
- Providing resources to maintain the QMS
- Attracting and retaining the best people
- Educating and training our people in quality systems
- Resolving all non-conformances and taking action to prevent recurrence
- Measuring performance of stakeholders (internal and external) and acting on the results.
The safety and health of our employees at ASSET is very important to me, the chief executive. I don’t want anyone to get hurt at work, or anywhere for that matter. We do difficult and at times risky work as ASSET, so I ensure that the company provides adequate resources and training to comply with workplace safety and health requirements and maintain occupational safety and health standards which conform to AS/NZS 4801.
Our safety policy is to:
- Not hurt anyone in the workplace
- Provide mechanical and physical safeguards wherever they are necessary
- Conduct routine safety and health inspections to remove unsafe working conditions, control health hazards, and comply with safety and health requirements
- Train all employees and contractors in our safe work practices and procedures
- Provide employees and contractors with necessary personal protective equipment and train them to use and care for it properly
- Enforce company safety and health rules and require employees to follow the rules as a condition of employment
- Investigate accidents to determine the cause and prevent similar accidents.
ASSET recognises that directors, supervisors, and all other employees share responsibility for a safe workplace. Ultimately, management is accountable for providing a workplace which prevents injuries and illnesses, as best as we can. I consider all employee suggestions for achieving a safer, healthier workplace and keep abreast of workplace safety and health hazards. I review the company safety policy regularly, and ask my SMS students to do the same!
All employees have responsibility for their own safety as well as for the safety of their fellow workers. They are expected to participate in the safety and health program, which includes immediately reporting accidents, hazards, and unsafe work practices to a manager, wearing required personal protective equipment when in the field, and participating in and supporting safety committee activities. Together, we keep our people as safe as we can, so we can continue to work and live.
Mat Petrenko, CEO.
To us, sustainability means we protect the environment as best we can, we contribute to the local community and we develop our people so they are healthy, educated and productive.
This is how we work towards a sustainable business at ASSET Aviation:
- We provide a safe and enjoyable work environment, and offer flexibility with work rosters when we can
- We provide professional development programs for your staff
- We conserve natural resources by reusing and recycling materials, purchasing recycled materials and using recycled packaging and other materials where possible
- We develop and market products that are safe for their intended use, efficient in their use of energy and protective of the environment
- We use processes which do not adversely affect the environment
- We ensure the responsible use of energy throughout our office
- We audit our systems and measure progress of ASSET’s environmental performance annually.
- 20% reduction from previous volumes of paper usage, per employee per year
- 20% increase in the use of public transport by staff (coming to and going home from work)
- 20% replacement of inefficient lights in the office
- Replacement of company fleet of vehicles to more efficient models
- Replacement of kitchen facilities to more efficient models for water and power usage
- Fitment of auto-off power switches in hallways and male and female toilets.
- We offered a fellowship to two students for Internal Aviation Auditor training
- We sponsored Perception Pictures in the field of research, arts or innovative development
- Sent a staff to member to Berlin on exchange with a training centre
- Sent staff to work with Philippine government, CAA CATC
- Sent staff to IATA’s Training and Development Institute for Advanced SMS Training
- Sent staff to Montreal to represent ASSET at ICAO’s Loss of Control in Flight conference
- Sent staff to Ireland to present at ICAO’s Training Symposium
- Sent staff to present at APATS in Singapore and Bangkok.
Reporting, analysing and correcting incidents, accidents and error is an essential element of ASSET Aviation’s internal safety culture. All our staff must feel confident that they can disclose any such information without fear of retribution.
We endorse a “No Blame” incident, accident and error reporting culture at ASSET Aviation. Our vision is to develop and maintain a culture of mutual trust where we can confidently learn and understand the workings of the company, of our people and adopt a team approach to problem resolution when difficulties come our way.
While personal responsibility is an important part of the culture, so is a feeling of involvement and empowerment for employees so that they can contribute to safety and quality improvements consistently and continuously.
This is the approach we also take to our client work, to ensure the clients always receive the best advice possible and are able to improve their business in the most productive and positive way.
At ASSET Aviation, we support the United Nation’s Global Compact – because their values and ours are one in the same. We all live in one world and aviation makes that world smaller, so we need to protect it, this world, and to do that means to help ensure that human rights, global markets, commerce, health, technology and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies and communities everywhere.
We believe in the ten principles of the Global Compact, and the governments we deal with, businesses we work with, and clients we serve, no matter how big and powerful or how small, must also – or we won’t work with you. This is how we do our little bit to help.
- Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
- Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
- Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
- Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
- Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
- Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
- Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
- Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
- Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
- Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
Social Responsibility Statement
To us, responsibility includes sustainability, and this means: we protect the environment as best we can, contribute to the local community, and we develop our people, so they are healthy, educated and productive. This is how we work towards a sustainable business at ASSET Aviation:
We provide a safe and enjoyable work environment and offer flexibility with work rosters when we can
We offer professional development programs for our staff
We conserve natural resources by reusing and recycling materials, purchasing recycled materials and using recycled packaging and other materials where possible
We develop and market products that are safe for their intended use, efficient in their use of energy and protective of the environment
We use processes that do not adversely affect the environment
We ensure the responsible use of energy throughout our office
We audit our systems and measure the progress of ASSET’s environmental performance annually.